Preventive Dentistry

Comprehensive Preventive Dental Services in Wasilla, AK

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Dental Innovations

Regular check ups, cleanings, and other preventive dental services are crucial to maintaining strong healthy teeth. Dental Innovations specializes in preventive dentistry for people of all ages.

Our team will ensure that you and your family learn proper dental care habits and that you stay in good oral health. If you haven’t been to the dentist in the last six months, contact our clinic in Wasilla, AK to arrange a consultation.

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Comprehensive exam

A comprehensive exam will involve our dentists thoroughly inspecting your teeth and includes soft tissue screening and oral cancer screening. If any suspicious areas are found, we use an in-office velscope to gather information.

Your exam may involve x-rays, to include a digital panorex. Our dentists will discuss their findings with you. If there any issues or concerns, we will go through the available treatment options and/or management plans.

Limited exam

Quite often, patients come to our clinic in Wasilla, AK with a specific problem that needs treatment.

Dental Innovations can limit our exam to focus on your issue and discuss treatment options.

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Dental cleanings

Dental cleanings are one of the most common and most important preventive dental services we offer. Our three highly skilled and friendly dental hygienists can provide routine cleaning and have the capability of providing Scaling and Root Planing (deep cleaning) to manage periodontal disease. Professional fluoride treatments are available. If sedation is required, our hygienists are trained in local anesthesia techniques.


At Dental Innovations we provide sealants to our young patients to fortify their teeth against pit and fissure decay, which are the most common types of tooth decay.

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Call (907) 357-5214 for preventive dental services for the whole family.

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